Make a pledge for Mandir

Like all great temples in India and elsewhere, your emotional and financial support is required, please refer to this page for more details on fundraising and project.

  1. As soon as you submit a pledge, we automatically send a confirmation to the email you'are giving us.
  2. If you are not a member already we request you to consider signing up as member.
  3. or send a one off contribution or setup regular contribution now

Fundraising is on-going for eventual establishment of Mandir and Cultural centre - please pledge generously !


Total Amount

   for  installments.
On Behalf Of Organization:
Your Details (Including Gift Aid)

By selecting 'Yes' above you are confirming that

  1. you are a UK taxpayer and
  2. the amount of income and/or capital gains tax you pay is at least as much as we will reclaim on your donations in this tax year.

About Gift Aid

Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. We would like to reclaim gift aid on your behalf. We can only reclaim Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please confirm that you are a eligible for gift aid above. More about Gift Aid.

We need your address and post code to be able to claim gift-aid on your donation